READ 10 chapters of the Bible
Start wherever you want and read any 10 chapters. We recommend reading the Bible like a book and starting at either the beginning of the New or the Old Testament or picking a book and starting at the beginning until you finish it.
PRAY for 5 minutes
There is no recipe here. Just have an honest conversation with God. Anytime your mind starts to wonder and think about something else, focus back and finish your conversation.
JOURNAL 10 things you’re grateful for
Write down 10 things you’re grateful for every day. This could be as simple as 10 words but feel free to write as much as you want about each of the 10 things.
WORKOUT for 60 minutes
Dedicate 60 minutes to any physical activity of your choosing. Get your sweat on and your heart rate up. As long as the 60 minutes is dedicated to physical activity, you can accumulate your 60 minutes through out the day.
RUN 1 mile outside
Everyone’s pace is different. Run as fast or as slow as needed as long as it’s a mile outside.
EAT REAL whole foods
Diets are tricky! You need to outline a specific diet around eating whole foods and stick to it for the whole challenge. The objective is to eat real food, as close to whole as possible. These are some of our recommendations:
Always choose organic when possible.
If it comes in a package and has a label, there should ONLY be 1 ingredient and nothing added.
Whole foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (such as oats, brown rice and barley), nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, beef, poultry, fish, shellfish and eggs. Dairy products should only contain 1 ingredient but it’s up to you to decide what you want to eat.
When seasoning your food, stay away from sauces as they are often loaded with sugar. Try to pick spices or seasonings that are single ingredient such as Baja Gold Mineral Sea Salt or fresh cracked pepper. Dry seasonings can contain a added sugar so pay attention to labels.
Honey or pure maple syrup are acceptable to add as sweeteners.
Outline what is acceptable for you and stick to it!
DRINK 70% of your body weight in OUNCES OF water
Drink it however you want and add in anything (that is natural and not processed) that helps you get it down.
BE completely sober! (no drugs or alcohol)
Do not stop taking medication prescribed by your doctor. Caffeine is acceptable in a natural form such as coffee, tea or any other natural sources as long as they’re not processed.
ADVANCED! Immerse yourself in cold water for 3 minutes. How cold? Uncomfortably cold! This could be complete cold water immersion or a cold shower. Get as much of your body in cold water as possible.
Failing is not an option… but life happens. Fail on any portion of the challenge and you restart on Day 1 the next day.